Header: <glm/gtc/quaternion.hpp>
Notations in this page
A quaternion \[q=w+ix+jy+kz\in\mathbf{H}\] may be written as \[q=(w;x,y,z)\] or by the scalar part and the vector part \[q=(w;v)\quad\text{where }v=(x,y,z)\in\mathbf{R}^3\]
For \(q=w+ix+jy+kz\), \[\overline{q}:=w-ix-jy-kz\] \[\left\lvert q\right\rvert:=\sqrt{w^2+x^2+y^2+z^2}\] \[\operatorname{Re}q:=w,\quad \operatorname{Im}q:=(x,y,z)=ix+jy+kz\]
Multiplication is induced by the following relations: \[\begin{gathered} i^2=j^2=k^2=ijk=-1, \\ ij=k,\;jk=i,\;ki=j, \\ ji=-k,\;kj=-i,\;ik=-j. \end{gathered}\]
A quaternion whose real part is zero can be viewed as a three-dimensional vector: \[ \begin{array}{ccc} \mathbf{R}^3&\subset&\mathbf{H}\\ (x,y,z)&\leftrightarrow&(0;x,y,z) \end{array} \]
In this page, tquat
stands for tquat<T, Q>
, tmat3x3
for mat<3, 3, T, Q>
, tmat4x4
for mat<4, 4, T, Q>
, tvec3
for vec<3, T, Q>
, and tvec4
for vec<4, T, Q>
struct tquat<typename T, qualifier Q>
- members
T x, y, z, w
- \(w+ix+jy+kz=(w; x, y, z)\)
length() -> length_type
(always return4
)operator[](length_type i) -> T&
operator[](length_type i) const -> T const&
[0] = x, [1] = y, [2] = z, [3] = w
- constructor
- Members are initialized if
is defined.
- Members are initialized if
- constructor
tquat(tquat q) = default
- constructor
tquat(tquat<T, P> q)
- constructor
tquat(T s, tvec3 v)
- constructor
tquat(T w, T x, T y, T z)
- constructor
tquat(tquat<U, P> q)
explicit operator tmat3x3()
- See
in Rotation.
- See
explicit operator tmat4x4()
- See
in Rotation.
- See
tquat(tvec3 u, tvec3 v)
- See Rotation.
- (maybe explicit) constructor
tquat(tvec3 eulerAngles)
- See Euler angles.
- (maybe explicit) constructor
tquat(tmat3x3 q)
- See
quat_cast(tmat3x3 q) -> tquat
in Rotation.
- See
- (maybe explicit) constructor
tquat(tmat4x4 q)
- See
quat_cast(tmat4x4 q) -> tquat
in Rotation. - These constructors are
is defined.
- See
operator=(tquat q) = default
operator=(tquat<U, Q> q)
operator+=(tquat<U, Q> q)
operator-=(tquat<U, Q> q)
operator*=(tquat<U, Q> q)
- Multiply
from right.
- Multiply
operator*=(U s)
operator/=(U s)
- members
quat = tquat<float>
fquat = tquat<float>
dquat = tquat<double>
{lowp,mediump,highp}_quat = tquat<float, {lowp,mediump,highp}>
{lowp,mediump,highp}_fquat = tquat<float, {lowp,mediump,highp}>
{lowp,mediump,highp}_dquat = tquat<double, {lowp,mediump,highp}>
- unary
operator+(tquat q) -> tquat
- unary
operator-(tquat q) -> tquat
- binary
operator+(tquat q, tquat p) -> tquat
- binary
operator-(tquat q, tquat p) -> tquat
- binary
operator*(tquat q, tquat p) -> tquat
- Let \(q=(w;x,y,z)=(w;v)\) and \(p=(w';x',y',z')=(w';v')\).
- Returns \[\begin{aligned} qp=&(ww'-v\cdot v';wv'+vw'+v\times v') \\ =&(ww'-xx'-yy'-zz') \\ &+i(wx'+xw'+yz'-zy') \\ &+j(wy'-xz'+yw'+zx') \\ &+k(wz'+xy'-yx'+zw'). \end{aligned}\]
- binary
operator*(tquat q, tvec3 v) -> tvec3
- See Rotation.
- binary
operator*(tvec3 v, tquat q) -> tvec3
- See Rotation.
- binary
operator*(tquat q, tvec4 v) -> tvec4
- See Rotation.
- binary
operator*(tvec4 v, tquat q) -> tvec4
- See Rotation.
- binary
operator*(tquat q, T s) -> tquat
- Scalar multiplication.
- binary
operator*(T s, tquat q) -> tquat
- Scalar multiplication.
- binary
operator/(tquat q, T s) -> tquat
- Division by scalar.
- binary
operator==(tquat q1, tquat q2) -> bool
operator!=(tquat q1, tquat q2) -> bool
conjugate(tquat q) -> tquat
- Returns \((w; -x, -y, -z)\).
inverse(tquat q) -> tquat
- Returns multiplicative inverse of \(q\), that is \(q^{-1}=\frac{\overline{q}}{\left\lvert q\right\rvert^2}\).
dot(tquat x, tquat y) -> T
- Returns \(\operatorname{Re}(x\cdot\overline{y})\).
length(tquat q) -> T
- Returns \(\left\lvert q\right\rvert=\sqrt{\operatorname{dot}(q,q)}\).
normalize(tquat q) -> tquat
- Returns \(\frac{q}{\left\lvert q\right\rvert}\).
- constructor
tquat(tvec3 u, tvec3 v)
- Assuming \(u\) and \(v\) are unit vectors, constructs a quaternion that moves \(u\) to \(v\) by rotation; i.e. \(v=quq^{-1}\).
- If we define \(\theta\) and \(\mathsf{axis}\) by \(\cos\theta=u\cdot v\), \(\mathsf{axis}\cdot\sin\theta=u\times v\), the quaternion is given by \[\begin{aligned} q&=\bigl(\cos\tfrac{\theta}{2};\mathsf{axis}\cdot\sin\tfrac{\theta}{2}\bigr) \\ &=\operatorname{normalize}\bigl(2\cos^2\tfrac{\theta}{2};2\mathsf{axis}\cdot\cos\tfrac{\theta}{2}\sin\tfrac{\theta}{2}\bigr) \\ &=\operatorname{normalize}(1+\cos\theta;\mathsf{axis}\cdot\sin\theta) \\ &=\operatorname{normalize}(1+u\cdot v;u\times v). \end{aligned}\]
- If \(u\) and \(v\) are exactly opposite, rotate 180 degrees around an arbitrary orthogonal axis.
- binary
operator*(tquat q, tvec3 v) -> tvec3
- Returns \(qv\overline{q}+(1-\left\lvert q\right\rvert^2)v=v+2((\operatorname{Im}q\times v)\cdot\operatorname{Re}q+\operatorname{Im}q\times(\operatorname{Im}q\times v))\).
- If \(\left\lvert q\right\rvert=1\), this is just \(qvq^{-1}=qv\overline{q}\).
- binary
operator*(tvec3 v, tquat q) -> tvec3
- Returns \(q^{-1}*v\).
- If \(\left\lvert q\right\rvert=1\), this is just \(q^{-1}vq=\overline{q}vq\).
- binary
operator*(tquat q, tvec4 v) -> tvec4
- Returns \((q*(v_x,v_y,v_z),v.w)\)
- If \(\left\lvert q\right\rvert=1\), this is just \((q(v_x,v_y,v_z)q^{-1},v_w)\).
- binary
operator*(tvec4 v, tquat q) -> tvec4
- Returns \(q^{-1}*v\).
- If \(\left\lvert q\right\rvert=1\), this is just \((q^{-1}(v_x,v_y,v_z)q,v_w)\).
angle(tquat q) -> T
- Assuming \(\left\lvert q\right\rvert=1\), returns \(\theta\) in \(q=(\cos\frac{\theta}{2};v\sin\frac{\theta}{2})\); that is, \(\theta=2\arccos(\operatorname{Re}q)\).
angleAxis(T angle, tvec3 axis) -> tquat
should be a unit vector.- Returns \((\cos(\mathsf{angle}/2);\mathsf{axis}\cdot\sin(\mathsf{angle}/2)))\).
axis(tquat q) -> tvec3
- Assuming \(\left\lvert q\right\rvert=1\), returns \(v\) in \(q=(\cos\frac{\theta}{2};v\sin\frac{\theta}{2})\); that is, \(v=\frac{\operatorname{Im}q}{\sqrt{1-(\operatorname{Re}q)^2}}\).
- If \(\left\lvert \operatorname{Re}q\right\rvert=1\), return \((0,0,1)\).
mat3_cast(tquat q) -> tmat3x3
- Assuming \(\left\lvert q\right\rvert=1\), returns the rotation \(\mathbf{R}^3\ni v \mapsto qvq^{-1} \in\mathbf{R}^3\) as a matrix: \[ \begin{pmatrix} 1-2(y^2+z^2) & 2(xy-wz) & 2(xz+wy) \\ 2(xy+wz) & 1-2(x^2+z^2) & 2(yz-wx) \\ 2(xz-wy) & 2(yz+wx) & 1-2(x^2+y^2) \end{pmatrix} \]
mat4_cast(tquat q) -> tmat4x4
- Returns
- Returns
quat_cast(tmat3x3 m) -> tquat
- Assuming \[m=\begin{pmatrix}a_{11}&a_{12}&a_{13}\\a_{21}&a_{22}&a_{23}\\a_{31}&a_{32}&a_{33}\end{pmatrix}\] is a rotation matrix, do the inverse of
. - Returns one of:
- \(\bigl(w;\frac{a_{32}-a_{23}}{4w},\frac{a_{13}-a_{31}}{4w},\frac{a_{21}-a_{12}}{4w}\bigr)\) with \(w:=\frac{\sqrt{1+a_{11}+a_{22}+a_{33}}}{2}\).
- \(\bigl(\frac{a_{32}-a_{23}}{4x};x,\frac{a_{12}+a_{21}}{4x},\frac{a_{13}+a_{31}}{4x}\bigr)\) with \(x:=\frac{\sqrt{1+a_{11}-a_{22}-a_{33}}}{2}\).
- \(\bigl(\frac{a_{13}-a_{31}}{4y};\frac{a_{12}+a_{21}}{4y},y,\frac{a_{23}+a_{32}}{4y}\bigr)\) with \(y:=\frac{\sqrt{1-a_{11}+a_{22}-a_{33}}}{2}\).
- \(\bigl(\frac{a_{21}-a_{12}}{4z};\frac{a_{13}+a_{31}}{4z},\frac{a_{23}+a_{32}}{4z},z\bigr)\) with \(z:=\frac{\sqrt{1-a_{11}-a_{22}+a_{33}}}{2}\).
- Assuming \[m=\begin{pmatrix}a_{11}&a_{12}&a_{13}\\a_{21}&a_{22}&a_{23}\\a_{31}&a_{32}&a_{33}\end{pmatrix}\] is a rotation matrix, do the inverse of
quat_cast(tmat4x4 m) -> tquat
- Returns
- Returns
rotate(tquat q, T angle, tvec3 axis) -> tquat
should be a unit vector.- Returns \(q\cdot(\cos(\mathsf{angle}/2);\mathsf{axis}\cdot\sin(\mathsf{angle}/2))\).
Euler angles
- (maybe explicit) constructor
tquat(tvec3 eulerAngles)
- Constructs a unit quaternion with the rotation represented by
. - See the following note.
- Constructs a unit quaternion with the rotation represented by
eulerAngles(tquat x) -> tvec3
- Returns \((\operatorname{pitch}(x),\operatorname{yaw}(x),\operatorname{roll}(x))\).
- See the following note.
pitch(tquat x) -> T
- See the following note.
roll(tquat x) -> T
- See the following note.
yaw(tquat x) -> T
- See the following note.
From Euler angles to quaternion
Let \(\mathsf{eulerAngles}=(\alpha,\beta,\gamma)\) (\(\alpha\): pitch, \(\beta\): yaw, \(\gamma\): roll). \[ \begin{aligned} q=&\Bigl(\cos\frac{\gamma}{2}+k\sin\frac{\gamma}{2}\Bigr) \Bigl(\cos\frac{\beta}{2}+j\sin\frac{\beta}{2}\Bigr) \Bigl(\cos\frac{\alpha}{2}+i\sin\frac{\alpha}{2}\Bigr) \\ =&\Bigl(\cos\frac{\alpha}{2}\cos\frac{\beta}{2}\cos\frac{\gamma}{2}+\sin\frac{\alpha}{2}\sin\frac{\beta}{2}\sin\frac{\gamma}{2}\Bigr) \\ &+i\Bigl(\sin\frac{\alpha}{2}\cos\frac{\beta}{2}\cos\frac{\gamma}{2}-\cos\frac{\alpha}{2}\sin\frac{\beta}{2}\sin\frac{\gamma}{2}\Bigr) \\ &+j\Bigl(\cos\frac{\alpha}{2}\sin\frac{\beta}{2}\cos\frac{\gamma}{2}+\sin\frac{\alpha}{2}\cos\frac{\beta}{2}\sin\frac{\gamma}{2}\Bigr) \\ &+k\Bigl(\cos\frac{\alpha}{2}\cos\frac{\beta}{2}\sin\frac{\gamma}{2}-\sin\frac{\alpha}{2}\sin\frac{\beta}{2}\cos\frac{\gamma}{2}\Bigr) \end{aligned} \]
From quaternion to Euler angles
Let \[q=(w;x,y,z)=\Bigl(\cos\frac{\gamma}{2}+k\sin\frac{\gamma}{2}\Bigr) \Bigl(\cos\frac{\beta}{2}+j\sin\frac{\beta}{2}\Bigr) \Bigl(\cos\frac{\alpha}{2}+i\sin\frac{\alpha}{2}\Bigr).\] By comparing \[qiq^{-1}=i\cos\beta\cos\gamma+j\cos\beta\sin\gamma-k\sin\beta\] and \[qi\overline{q}=i(w^2+x^2-y^2-z^2)+2j(xy+zw)+2k(xz-wy),\] we obtain \[\sin\beta=-2(xz-wy),\quad\tan\gamma=\frac{2(xy+zw)}{w^2+x^2-y^2-z^2}\] and the yaw \(\beta\in[-\pi,\pi]\) and the roll \(\gamma\in[-\pi,\pi]\) can be computed by \[\beta=\arcsin(-2(xz-wy)),\quad\gamma=\arctan\frac{2(xy+zw)}{w^2+x^2-y^2-z^2}.\]
Similarly, by comparing \[q^{-1}kq=-i\sin\beta+j\sin\alpha\cos\beta+k\cos\alpha\cos\beta\] and \[\overline{q}kq=2i(xz-yw)+2j(yz+wx)+k(w^2-x^2-y^2+z^2),\] we obtain \[\tan\alpha=\frac{2(yz+wx)}{w^2-x^2-y^2+z^2}\] and the pitch \(\alpha\in[-\pi,\pi]\) can be computed by \[\alpha=\arctan\frac{2(yz+wx)}{w^2-x^2-y^2+z^2}.\]
lerp(tquat x, tquat y, T a) -> tquat
- Precondition: \(0 \le a \le 1\).
- Returns \(x\cdot(1-a)+y\cdot a\).
mix(tquat x, tquat y, T a) -> tquat
should be unit quaternions anda
should be in \([0,1]\).- Let \(\theta=\arccos(\operatorname{dot}(x,y))\).
- Returns \(\frac{\sin((1-a)\theta)}{\sin\theta}x+\frac{\sin(a\theta)}{\sin\theta}y\).
slerp(tquat x, tquat y, T a) -> tquat
should be unit quaternions anda
should be in \([0,1]\).- If \(\operatorname{dot}(x,y)<0\), negate \(y\).
- Let \(\theta=\arccos(\operatorname{dot}(x,y))\).
- Returns \(\frac{\sin((1-a)\theta)}{\sin\theta}x+\frac{\sin(a\theta)}{\sin\theta}y\).
Element-wise comparison
equal(tquat x, tquat y) -> bvec4
notEqual(tquat x, tquat y) -> bvec4
greaterThan(tquat x, tquat y) -> bvec4
greaterThanEqual(tquat x, tquat y) -> bvec4
lessThan(tquat x, tquat y) -> bvec4
lessThanEqual(tquat x, tquat y) -> bvec4
isinf(tquat x) -> bvec4
isnan(tquat x) -> bvec4